4 Yoga Poses To Calm The Mind-Body

4 Yoga Poses To Calm The Mind-Body

"Inhale the future, exhale the past." -Unknown

Having trouble calming your mind? Maybe you are feeling a little unsettled? Here are my four favourite restorative yoga poses that you can do to calm the mind - you can either do just one of them or do all four.

They are also great to do just before bed to promote deep relaxation so you can drift off into a night of quality sleep.

4 Yoga Poses To Calm The Mind-Body


This pose is nurturing and calming. Begin sitting on your heels, leaving a gap between your thighs. Then, fold forward and extend your upper body on the floor, your midsection resting between your thighs, and your arms fully extended on the floor. Take several long, deep breaths in this position. Let gravity naturally sink the hips down closer to heels. This position can be held for up to five minutes, or longer if you wish.


4 Yoga Poses To Calm The Mind-Body


A restorative version of Child's pose which is super nourishing for mind, body and spirit. Simply place a bolster or pillow in front and rest forehead/arms.


4 Yoga Poses To Calm The Mind-Body


You can do this pose with your legs rested against a wall, or as shown. Lie on your mat with your knees bent, feet on the floor. Lift your hips and place a bolster, or a firm cushion underneath your sacrum. Engage your core and with bent knees lift your legs up toward the ceiling, pressing your sacrum into the cushion for stability, and your shoulders into the mat.


4 Yoga Poses To Calm The Mind-Body


Lie on your back with your knees bent and the soles of your feet flat on the floor. Keep your feet parallel and arms by your side. Press down into the soles of your feet to lift your hips off the floor. Slide your yoga bolster or firm cushion under your sacrum, let the cushion support you. Your arms can stay relaxed by your side.