Welcome to The OM Weekender; a weekly newsletter curated by Botanical Trader and The OM Collective. Your subscription has been confirmed, and you will be receiving your first edition soon!.

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Delivered every Saturday, The OM Weekender is a health + wellness lifestyle publication that has been mindfully curated to inspire a more healthier, simpler, greener and kinder life. Over your weekend cuppa Chai, read and savour our rich collection of weekly publications from travel, wellness, sustainability, green living, beauty and simple living.

As a subscriber, you automatically get entered into various giveaways and VIP competitions plus get priority access to any of our yoga and wellness retreats/workshops.

If you don’t receive our first newsletter, make sure you check your spam folder – then click on option ‘not spam’ so that you get future editions seamlessly. If you have signed up via a google email then the newsletter will appear in your ‘promotions’ tab.

I would first like to introduce myself. I am Claire Charters [you can read more about me here], the founder of Botanical Trader + The OM Collective I am so humbled and grateful that you have decided to welcome my small wellness brand into your inbox, as I know you have plenty of choices to choose from.

It is my belief that a life of quality involves an awareness to the simple things that surrounds us on a daily basis, inviting in quality over quantity – everything from decluttering spaces, living in alignment to nature, shopping with awareness to eliminating the clutter of the busy monkey mind.  

I have a deep passion for plant-based living, natural healing, yoga, meditation, simple living and zen philosophies - you will see many of these topics reflected in our newsletters. 

While you wait for your first newsletter, I would like to introduce you to a taste of what The OM Weekender has to offer. Here are a few links to what have been reader favourites - please note that some of the links may take you to our sister site Botanical Trader

  • FIND YOUR CALM: Calm your mind and body with our free resource filled with meditations, sleep stories, soundscapes, grounding exercises and calming habits. Visit our free resource page Find Your Calm here.
  • FREE GREEN BEAUTY 30 DAY CHALLENGE: If you are seeking ways to green your beauty cabinet and bring more health, wellness and vitality into your everyday - then the green beauty challenge will serve you immensely. It is the biggest free online resource available across the internet that gives you valuable and inspiration tips, resources and educational guides. Read more about our free 30 day challenge here.
  •  WHY YOU SHOULD CHOOSE GREEN BEAUTY PRODUCTS + A GUIDE TO HOW TO DO IT: It is proven that what we put onto our skin absorbs into our bloodstream and causes havoc and inflammation in the body. All diseases and health issues result from inflammation in the body and one of the ways to help reduce inflammation is by choosing green beauty products. Learn more about green beauty products here.
  • HOW CHOOSING TO CONSUME CONSCIOUSLY CAN CHANGE THE WORLD: As consumers we can vote with our dollars, giving us the opportunity to speak up about the issues that are important to our heart. As a consumer, never under-estimate the power you hold to have a positive impact on the world around you. Learn how and why it matters here.
  • EMBRACE THE SLOW LIVING MOVEMENT: So many of us are constantly overwhelmed with the things we must do. We all to often strive yet never arrive. An approach that has served me well and has had an immense healing effect is THE SLOW MOVEMENT. Its about choosing quality over quantity and taking the time to get rid of the toxic and bring in more of the positive. Ultimately, its about slowing down, redefining success and enjoying life. If you are constantly in a state of overwhelm, depression or anxiety - then read my tips on how to slow things down a little. 
  • THE EVER SO COMMON + CRUEL PRACTICE OF ANIMAL TESTING - HOW TO SPOT IT + HOW TO AVOID IT: It is unthinkable how many companies still animal test. Even companies that claim they don't animal test are often found guilty of supporting these cruel and outdated animal tests. Animal testing is everywhere. Learn how to spot it and avoid it with my detailed resource.