Tune in. Breathe. Let the journey begin to reconnect with your inner state of calm.

Be kind to your mind and body. Take a few quiet moments each day to slow down, breathe and check-in with yourself.  With all the distractions, stress and noise of the modern world, it is becoming ever increasingly hard these days to feel a sense of calm, peace and serene within unless we make a mindful choice to create calm habits within our daily life.

Our meditations are nourishment for the mind, body and spirit; inviting you to slow down, discover and connect with a deeper meaning of the world around you. Every Sunday a new meditation is released where there are plenty of tracks to help you find your happy from meditations, sleep stories, mindful exercises and soundscapes.

Stormy Night: Rain Sounds For Sleep

Stormy Night: Rain Sounds For Sleep

Cosy up in your bed and drift off to a deep and nourishing sleep as you listen to the sounds of rain and thunder. 

Research has been showing that the sound of a gentle rainstorm is a calming and soothing remedy for troubled sleepers. Rainstorm soundtracks are on the uprise as more people discover the calming effect these soundtracks have and their ability to lull the busy mind into sleep.

Stress levels are high, and we have active and busy minds that are hard to turn off, sometimes the secret is as easy as reconnecting back with nature and tuning into a steady, repetitive, and rhythmic sound that can help quiet the active brain.

With the increase of technology and the uprise of busyness, our brains are more overstimulated than ever, and we as a society are spending more and more time awake. Rainstorm recordings help slow down the thoughts, relax the stimulation and block out other noises that pose a threat to sleep.

Hit play and trade the ping of push notifications on your mobile device for the sweet sounds of nature. Your REM cycle will thank you.
